Fetstil: Böcker jag redan fått tag i
Övrigt: Böcker vänner och släktingar gärna får lokalisera i samband med födelsedagar och andra begivenheter :)
Afghanistan -
Albanien -
Algeriet - De utsatta, Maïssa Bey alt. The Last Summer of Reason, Tahar Djaout
Andorra - Das Lächeln der Erde, Ramón Villeró; The Teacher of Cheops, Albert Salvadó
Angola -
Antigua och Barbuda - Unburnable, Marie-Elena John alt.
Argentina - Kronoper och Famer, Julio Cortazar
Armenien - The Fool, Raffi
Australien -
Azerbajdzjan - Ali and Nino: A Love Story (författare osäker) alt. noveller på Azeri.org
Bahamas - Bahamian Anthology, College of the Bahamas
Bahrain - Voices, Hasan Marhama
Bangladesh - Shame, Taslima Nasarina
Barbados - In the castle of my skin, George Lamming
Belgien - The Angel Maker, Stefan Brijs
Belize – Time and the river, Zee Edgell
Benin - Repslagarna, Jean Pliya
Bhutan - The Circle of Karma, Kunzang Choden
Bolivia - Andean Express, Juan De Recacoechea
Bosnien & H - Dervishen och döden, Mesa Selimovic
Botswana - Juggling Truths, Unity Dow alt. När regnmolnen hopas, Bessie Head
Brasilien - Rebellion in the Backlands, Euclides da Cunha alt. Budapest, Chico Buarque
Brunei – The Singing Top: Tales from Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei
Bulgarien - Bai Ganyo, Aleko Konstantinov
Burkina Faso - The Parachute Drop, Norbert Zongo
Burma - Letters from Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi
Burundi - This Voice in My Heart, Gilbert Tuhabonye
Centralafrikanska republiken - African Tales: Folklore of the Central African Republic
Chile – Jag drömde att snön brann, Antonio Skármeta alt. Cape Horn, Francisco Coloane
Colombia - Förlora är en fråga om metod, Santiago Gamboa
Comorerna - ?
Costa Rica - Assault on Paradise, Tatiana Lobo
Cypern - Face of an Island: 24 Short Stories from Cyprus, Panos Ioannides
Danmark -
Djibouti – Passage of tears, Abdourahman A. Waberi
Dominica - The Orchid House, Phyllis Shand Allfrey
Dominikanska republiken - Drown, Junot Diaz
Ecuador - Beyond the Islands, Alicia Yanez Cossio
Egypten - Diary of a Country Prosecutor, Tawfik Al-Hakim alt. Kommitten, Sonallah Ibrahim
Ekvatorialguinea - Shadows of Your Black Memory, Donato Ndongo
El Salvador – En dag i livet, Manlio Argueta
Elfenbenskusten -
Eritrea - Before She Breaks My Heart, Rahel Asgedom
Estland – Kejsarens galning, Jaan Kross
Etiopien - The Case of the Criminal Walk, Tuma Hama alt. Skära för sten, Abraham Verghese
Fiji - Tales of the Tikongs/We Are the Ocean, Epeli Hau'Ofa
Filippinerna - Synder, F. Sionil José
Finland -
Frankrike -
Förenade Arabemiraten - In a Fertile Desert, Denys Johnson-Davies
Gabon - Mema, Daniel Mengara
Gambia - Reading the Ceiling, Dayo Forster
Georgien - Timeless, Nicholas Tchkotoua
Ghana - Beautyful Ones are Not Yet Born, Ayi Kwei Armah alt. Förändringar, Ama Ata Aidoo
Grekland - The Murderess, Alexandros Papadiamantis
Grenada - Angel, Merle Collins
Guatemala -
Guinea - The Radiance of the King, Camara Laye
Guinea-Bissau - Return to the Source: Selected Speeches, Amilcar Cabral
Guyana - A morning at the office, Edgar Mittelholzer
Haiti - Haiti Noir, Edwidge Danticat
Honduras - Don't Be Afraid, Gringo, Elvia Alvarado
Indien - The Calcutta Chromosome, Amitav Ghosh alt. A suitable boy, Vikram Seth
Indonesien - Människornas jord, Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Irak - En stad vid namn Komeit, Najem Wali
Iran - Den blinda ugglan, Sadeq Hedayat
Irland - The Collected Stories, John McGahern
Island -
Israel - En berättelse om kärlek och mörker, Amos Oz
Italien - Leoparden, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedus
Jamaica - Fear of Stones and other stories, Kei Miller
Japan - Främlingar, Taichi Yamada alt. Island of Dreams, Keizo Hino
Jordanien - Cities of Salt, Abdelrahman Munif
Kambodja - Survival in the Killing Fields, Haing Ngor; alt. The Lost Executioner, Nic Dunlop
Kamerun - Regnbarnet, Francis Bebey alt. The Story of the Madman, Mongo Beti
Kanada - The Blind Assassin, Margaret Atwood
Kap Verde –
Kazakstan - The Silent Steppe, Mukhamet Shayakhmetov
Kenya -
Kina - Gränsland, Shen Congwen
Kirgiztan - Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years, Chingiz Aitmatov
Kiribati - Kiribati : Aspects of History, Sister Alaima Tlau
Kongo (Kinshasa) - Life and a Half, Sony Labou Tansi
Kongo (Brazzaville) -
Kosovo - Die Schlangen des Blutes, Adem Demaci
Kroatien - On the Edge of Reason, Miroslav Krleza
Kuba - Three Trapped Tigers, G. Cabrera Infante
Kuwait - Pearling in the Arabian Gulf, Saif Marzooq al-Shamlan
Laos - Mother's Beloved, Bounyavong Outhine
Lesotho - Chaka, Thomas Mofolo
Lettland -
Libanon - Käre herr Kawabata, Rashid al-Daif
Liberia - Birds Are Singing, Wilton Sankawulo
Libyen - Stenblödning, Ibrahim al-Koni
Liechtenstein - Randbemerkt, Walter Kranz
Litauen - Vilnius Poker, Ricardas Gavelis
Luxemburg - Point/Erasing, Jean Portante alt. Herkules Kasch, Roger Manderscheid
Madagaskar - Voices from Madagascar
Makedonien - Black Seed, Tasko Georgievski alt. The Legend of Kalesh Andja, Popov, Stale
Malawi - Smouldering Charcoal, Tiyambe Zeleza
Malaysia - Sidenfabriken, Tash Aw
Maldiverna - Folk Tales of the Maldives, Xavier Romero-Frias
Mali - Caught in the Storm, Seydou Badian
Malta - Shadows of the truth, Guze Ellul Mercer
Marocko - Salvation Army, Abdellah Taia alt.
Marshallöarna - Marshall Islands Legends and Stories, Daniel A Kelin II
Mauretanien - ?
Mauritius - Sens-plastique, Malcolm De Chazal
Mexico - Recollections of Things to Come, Elena Garro
Mikronesien – My Urohs, Emelihter Kihleng
Mocambique -
Moldavien - Moldavian Autumn, Ion Drutse
Monaco - ?
Mongoliet - The Blue Sky, Galsan Tschinag
Montenegro - Land without justice, Milovan Djilas; Malvinas levnadshistoria, Mirko Kovač
Namibia - The Purple Violet of Oshaantu, Neshani Andreas
Nauru - ?
Nederländerna - The Discovery of Heaven, Harry Mulisch alt. Following Story, Cees Nooteboom
Nepal - Himalayan Voices, Michael Hutt
Nicaragua - The Country Under My Skin: A Memoir of Love and War, Gioconda Belli
Niger - ?
Nigeria -
Nordkorea - The Aquariums of Pyongyang, Kang Chol-Hwan
Norge - Grense Jakobselv, Kjartan Fløgstad alt. Jag är bröderna Walker, Jan Kjærstad
Nya Zeeland - The Bone People, Keri Hulme
Oman - ?
Pakistan - In Other Rooms, Other Wonders, Daniyal Mueenuddin
Palestina -
Palau - ?
Panama - Gamboa Road Gang, Joaquín Beleño
Papua Nya Guinea - Maiba: A Papuan Novel, Russell Soaba
Paraguay - I the Supreme, Augusto Roa Bastos
Peru - Deep Rivers, Jose Maria Arguedas
Polen -
Portugal - The Implacable Order of Things, Jose Luis Peixoto
Qatar - Qatari Voices, Carol Henderson (ed)
Rumänien - Nostalgia, Mircea Cartarescu alt. Coming from an Off-Key Time, Bogdan Suceava
Rwanda - Døden vil ikke have mig, Yolande Mukagasana
Ryska federationen - ?
Saint Kitts och Nevis - Caribbean Chemistry, Christopher Vanier
Saint Lucia - A room on the hill, Garth St Omer
Saint Vincent och Grenadinerna - City of Arches, Vivian Child
Salomonöarna - The Big Death: Solomon Islanders Remember World War II
Samoa – Where we once belonged, Sia FigielSan Marino - ?
Sao Tome och Principe - Exorcising Devils from the Throne
Saudiarabien - Wolves of the Crescent Moon, Yousef Al-Mohaimeed
Schweiz - Moravagine, Blaise Cendrars alt. Uhellet, Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Senegal - God's Bits of Wood, Sembene Ousman
Serbien - Chinese Letter, Svetislav Basara
Seychellerna - ?
Sierra Leone - Devil That Danced on the Water, Aminatta Forn
Singapore - A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder, Shamini Flint
Slovakien - The Taste of Power, Ladislav Mnacko
Slovenien - Minuet for Guitar, Vitomil Zupan
Somalia - Maps, Nuruddin Farah
Spanien - Usurpatorerna, Francisco Ayala
Sri Lanka - Funny Boy, Shyam Selvadurai
Storbritannien - The History of the world in 3/4 chapters, Julian Barnes
Sudan -
Surinam - The Free Negress Elisabeth, Cynthia McLeod
Swaziland - Weeding the Flowerbeds, Sarah Mkhonza
Sverige -
Sydafrika -
Sydkorea - Who Ate up All the Shinga, Park Wan-suh
Sydsudan - ?
Syrien - Tigers on the Tenth Day and Other Stories, Zakariya Tamir
Tadzjikistan –
Tanzania - Bränd jord : en kärleksroman, Elieshi Lema alt. Regnmakarens barn, Aniceti Kitereza
Tchad - Told by Starlight in Chad, Joseph Brahim Seid
Thailand - The Politician and Other Stories, Khamsing Srinawk
Tjeckien -
Togo -
Tonga - Queen Salote of Tonga: The Story of an Era, 1900-65, Elizabeth Wood-Ellen
Trinidad och Tobago - Is just a movie, Earl Lovelace
Tunisien - Talismano, Abdelwahab Meddeb
Turkiet - Bastarden från Istanbul, Elif Shafak
Turkmenistan - Kobra, Ak Welsapar
Tuvalu - ?
Tyskland - Tornet, Uwe Tellkamp alt. Child of all nations, Irmgard Keun
Uganda - Tropical Fish, Doreen Baingana alt. Despoternas Maskerad, Moses Isegawa
Ukraina -
Ungern - The Melancholy of Resistance, Laszlo Krasznahorkai
Uruguay - Museum of Useless Efforts, Cristina Peri Rossi alt. Shipyard av Juan Carlos Onett
Uzbekistan - The Railway, Hamid Ismailov
Vanuatu - Colonised People: Poems, Grace Mera Molisa
Vatikanstaten - Gone with the wind in the Vatican
Venezuela - Memories of Altagracia, Salvador Garmendia
Vietnam - Skogens salt, Huy Thiep Nguyen
Vitryssland - The Scared Generation, Yampolsky/Vasil Bykov/Polonsky
Yemen - The Hostage, Zayd Mutee' Dammaj
Zambia - Quills of Desire, Binwell Sinyangwe
Zimbabwe - Pojken på andra sidan, Irene Sabatini alt. The House of Hunger, Dambudzo Marechera
Österrike -
Östtimor -
Vilken inspirerande lista du satt samman! Det ska bli spännande att följa din läsning önskar en inte alls lika ambitiös världsboksläsare :-)
SvaraRaderaTack! Researchen för att sätta ihop listan var minst lika kul som läsandet av böckerna.
SvaraRaderaHärligt med fler läsande pedagoger. Det ska bli kul att se vad du tycker om Atiq Rahimi :)
Thank you for your list