Albanien - Drömmarnas palats, Ismael Kadare
Algeriet - De utsatta, Maïssa Bey alt. The Last Summer of Reason, Tahar Djaout
Andorra - The Teacher of Cheops, Albert Salvadó
Angola - Sködpaddans historia, Pepetela alt. God morgon kamrater, Ondjaki
Antigua och Barbuda - Unburnable, Marie-Elena John alt. Annie John, Jamaica Kincaid
Argentina - Kronoper och Famer, Julio Cortazar
Armenien - The Fool, Raffi
Australien - Illywhacker, Peter Carey; Goulds bok om fiskar, Richard Flanagan
Azerbajdzjan - Stone Dreams, Akram Aylisli
Bahamas - Bahamian Anthology, College of the Bahamas
Bahrain - Voices, Hasan Marhama
Bangladesh - Shame, Taslima Nasarina
Barbados - In the castle of my skin, George Lamming
Belarus - Veteranen, Vasil Bykau
Belgien - The Angel Maker, Stefan Brijs
Belize – Time and the river, Zee Edgell
Benin - Repslagarna, Jean Pliya
Bhutan - The Circle of Karma, Kunzang Choden
Bolivia - Andean Express, Juan De Recacoechea
Bosnien & H - Dervishen och döden, Mesa Selimovic
Botswana - Juggling Truths, Unity Dow alt. När regnmolnen hopas, Bessie Head
Brasilien - Rebellion in the Backlands, Euclides da Cunha alt. Budapest, Chico Buarque
Brunei – The Singing Top: Tales from Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei
Bulgarien - Bai Ganyo, Aleko Konstantinov
Burkina Faso - The Parachute Drop, Norbert Zongo
Burma - Letters from Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi
Burundi - This Voice in My Heart, Gilbert Tuhabonye
Centralafrikanska republiken - African Tales: Folklore of the Central African Republic
Chile – Jag drömde att snön brann, Antonio Skármeta alt. Cape Horn, Francisco Coloane
Colombia - Förlora är en fråga om metod, Santiago Gamboa
Comorerna - A girl called eel, Ali Zamir
Costa Rica - Assault on Paradise, Tatiana Lobo
Cypern - Face of an Island: 24 Short Stories from Cyprus, Panos Ioannides
Danmark - Babian, Naja Marie Aidt
Djibouti – Passage of tears, Abdourahman A. Waberi
Dominica - The Orchid House, Phyllis Shand Allfrey
Dominikanska republiken - Drown, Junot Diaz
Ecuador - Beyond the Islands, Alicia Yanez Cossio
Egypten - Diary of a Country Prosecutor, Tawfik Al-Hakim alt. Kommitten, Sonallah Ibrahim
Ekvatorialguinea - Shadows of Your Black Memory, Donato Ndongo
El Salvador – En dag i livet, Manlio Argueta
Elfenbenskusten - Drottning Pokou, Veronique Tadjo
Eritrea - Before She Breaks My Heart, Rahel Asgedom
Estland – Kejsarens galning, Jaan Kross
Etiopien - The Case of the Criminal Walk, Tuma Hama alt. Skära för sten, Abraham Verghese
Fiji - Tales of the Tikongs/We Are the Ocean, Epeli Hau'Ofa
Filippinerna - Synder, F. Sionil José
Finland - Bipaviljongen, Leena Krohn
Frankrike - Tingen, Georges Perec
Förenade Arabemiraten - In a Fertile Desert, Denys Johnson-Davies
Gabon - Mema, Daniel Mengara
Gambia - Reading the Ceiling, Dayo Forster
Georgien - Timeless, Nicholas Tchkotoua
Ghana - Beautyful Ones are Not Yet Born, Ayi Kwei Armah alt. Förändringar, Ama Ata Aidoo
Grekland - The Murderess, Alexandros Papadiamantis
Grenada - Angel, Merle Collins
Guatemala - Weekend i Guatemala, Miguel Angel Asturias
Guinea - The Radiance of the King, Camara Laye
Guinea-Bissau - Return to the Source: Selected Speeches, Amilcar Cabral
Guyana - A morning at the office, Edgar Mittelholzer
Haiti - Haiti Noir, Edwidge Danticat
Honduras - Don't Be Afraid, Gringo, Elvia Alvarado
Indien - The Calcutta Chromosome, Amitav Ghosh alt. A suitable boy, Vikram Seth
Indonesien - Människornas jord, Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Irak - En stad vid namn Komeit, Najem Wali
Iran - Den blinda ugglan, Sadeq Hedayat
Irland - The Collected Stories, John McGahern, The Stray Sod Country, Patrick McCabe
Island - Sommarljus och sen kommer natten, Jón Kalman Stefánsson
Israel - En berättelse om kärlek och mörker, Amos Oz; Dolly City, Orly Castel-Bloom
Italien - Leoparden, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedus
Jamaica - Fear of Stones and other stories, Kei Miller
Japan - Främlingar, Taichi Yamada alt. Island of Dreams, Keizo Hino
Jordanien - Cities of Salt, Abdelrahman Munif
Kambodja - Survival in the Killing Fields, Haing Ngor; alt. The Lost Executioner, Nic Dunlop
Kamerun - Regnbarnet, Francis Bebey alt. The Story of the Madman, Mongo Beti
Kanada - The Blind Assassin, Margaret Atwood
Kap Verde – Herr Napumoceno da Silva Arajos testamente, Germano Almeida
Kazakstan - The Silent Steppe, Mukhamet Shayakhmetov
Kenya - Land without thunder, Grace Ogot
Kina - Gränsland, Shen Congwen
Kirgiztan - Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years, Chingiz Aitmatov
Kiribati - Kiribati : Aspects of History, Sister Alaima Tlau
Kongo (Kinshasa) - Life and a Half, Sony Labou Tansi
Kongo (Brazzaville) - Ett piggsvins memoarer, Alain Mabanckou
Kosovo - Die Schlangen des Blutes, Adem Demaci
Kroatien - On the Edge of Reason, Miroslav Krleza
Kuba - Three Trapped Tigers, G. Cabrera Infante
Kuwait - Pearling in the Arabian Gulf, Saif Marzooq al-Shamlan
Laos - Mother's Beloved, Bounyavong Outhine
Lesotho - Chaka, Thomas Mofolo
Lettland - Livets fest, Nora Ikstena
Libanon - Käre herr Kawabata, Rashid al-Daif
Liberia - Birds Are Singing, Wilton Sankawulo
Libyen - Stenblödning, Ibrahim al-Koni
Liechtenstein - Randbemerkt, Walter Kranz
Litauen - Vilnius Poker, Ricardas Gavelis
Luxemburg - Point/Erasing, Jean Portante alt. Herkules Kasch, Roger Manderscheid
Madagaskar - Voices from Madagascar
Makedonien - Black Seed, Tasko Georgievski alt. The Legend of Kalesh Andja, Popov, Stale
Malawi - Smouldering Charcoal, Tiyambe Zeleza
Malaysia - Sidenfabriken, Tash Aw
Maldiverna - Folk Tales of the Maldives, Xavier Romero-Frias
Mali - Caught in the Storm, Seydou Badian
Malta - Shadows of the truth, Guze Ellul Mercer
Marocko - Salvation Army, Abdellah Taia alt. Det nakna Brödet, Muhammed Shukri
Marshallöarna - Marshall Islands Legends and Stories, Daniel A Kelin II
Mauretanien - ?
Mauritius - Sens-plastique, Malcolm De Chazal, Den siste brodern, Nathacha Appanah
Mexico - Recollections of Things to Come, Elena Garro
Mikronesien – My Urohs, Emelihter Kihleng
Mocambique - Sjöjungfruns andra fot, Mia Couto, Moçambique berättar: Kärlekens ärr
Moldavien - Moldavian Autumn, Ion Drutse
Monaco - ?
Mongoliet - The Blue Sky, Galsan Tschinag
Montenegro - Land without justice, Milovan Djilas; Malvinas levnadshistoria, Mirko Kovač
Namibia - The Purple Violet of Oshaantu, Neshani Andreas
Nauru - ?
Nederländerna - The Discovery of Heaven, Harry Mulisch alt. Following Story, Cees Nooteboom
alt. Kvällarna, Gerhard Reve
Nepal - Himalayan Voices, Michael Hutt
Nicaragua - The Country Under My Skin: A Memoir of Love and War, Gioconda Belli
Niger - ?
Nigeria - Allt går sönder, Chinua Achebe, The Palm-wine Drinkard, Amos Tutuola
Nordkorea - The Aquariums of Pyongyang, Kang Chol-Hwan
Norge - Paradiset på jorden, Kjartan Fløgstad alt. Jag är bröderna Walker, Jan Kjærstad
Nya Zeeland - Benfolket, Keri Hulme
Oman - ?
Pakistan - In Other Rooms, Other Wonders, Daniyal Mueenuddin
Palestina -
Palau - ?
Panama - Gamboa Road Gang, Joaquín Beleño
Papua Nya Guinea - Maiba: A Papuan Novel, Russell Soaba
Paraguay - I the Supreme, Augusto Roa Bastos
Peru - De djupa floderna, Jose Maria Arguedas
Polen - Bakakaj, Witold Gombrowicz; Drömmar och stenar, Magdalena Tulli, Kanelbutikerna, Bruno Schulz
Portugal - The Implacable Order of Things, Jose Luis Peixoto
Qatar - Qatari Voices, Carol Henderson, Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar (red.)
Rumänien - Nostalgia, Mircea Cartarescu alt. Coming from an Off-Key Time, Bogdan Suceava
Rwanda - Døden vil ikke have mig, Yolande Mukagasana
Ryska federationen - ?
Saint Kitts och Nevis - Caribbean Chemistry, Christopher Vanier
Saint Lucia - A room on the hill, Garth St Omer
Saint Vincent och Grenadinerna - City of Arches, Vivian Child
Salomonöarna - The Big Death: Solomon Islanders Remember World War II
Samoa – Where we once belonged, Sia FigielSan Marino - ?
Sao Tome och Principe - Exorcising Devils from the Throne
Saudiarabien - Wolves of the Crescent Moon, Yousef Al-Mohaimeed
Schweiz - Moravagine, Blaise Cendrars alt. Uhellet, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Inbjudan till de våghalsiga, Dorothee Elmiger
Senegal - God's Bits of Wood, Sembene Ousman
Serbien - Chinese Letter, Svetislav Basara
Seychellerna - ?
Sierra Leone - Devil That Danced on the Water, Aminatta Forn
Singapore - A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder, Shamini Flint
Slovakien - The Taste of Power, Ladislav Mnacko
Slovenien - Minuet for Guitar, Vitomil Zupan
Somalia - Maps, Nuruddin Farah
Spanien - Usurpatorerna, Francisco Ayala
Sri Lanka - Funny Boy, Shyam Selvadurai
Storbritannien - The History of the world in 3/4 chapters, Julian Barnes
Sudan - Utvandringens tid, Tayeb Salih
Surinam - The Free Negress Elisabeth, Cynthia McLeod
Swaziland - Weeding the Flowerbeds, Sarah Mkhonza
Sverige - Syskonen, Magnus Florin
Sydafrika - A Dry white season , Andre Brink
Sydkorea - Who Ate up All the Shinga, Park Wan-suh
Sydsudan - ?
Syrien - Tigers on the Tenth Day and Other Stories, Zakariya Tamir
Tadzjikistan – Hurramabad, Andrej Volos
Tanzania - Bränd jord : en kärleksroman, Elieshi Lema alt. Regnmakarens barn, Aniceti Kitereza
Tchad - Told by Starlight in Chad, Joseph Brahim Seid
Thailand - The Politician and Other Stories, Khamsing Srinawk
Tjeckien - En annan stad, Michal Ajvaz
Togo - En afrikan på Grönland, Tete-Michel Kpomassie
Tonga - Queen Salote of Tonga: The Story of an Era, 1900-65, Elizabeth Wood-Ellen
Trinidad och Tobago - Is just a movie, Earl Lovelace
Tunisien - Talismano, Abdelwahab Meddeb
Turkiet - Bastarden från Istanbul, Elif Shafak; Profetmorden, Mehmet Murat Somer
Turkmenistan - Kobra, Ak Welsapar
Tuvalu - ?
Tyskland - Tornet, Uwe Tellkamp, Child of all nations och Konstsilkesflickan, Irmgard Keun; Atlas över avlägsna öar, Judith Schalansky
Uganda - Tropical Fish, Doreen Baingana alt. Despoternas Maskerad, Moses Isegawa
Ukraina - Anarchy in the UKR, Serhij Zjadan
Ungern - The Melancholy of Resistance, Laszlo Krasznahorkai
Uruguay - Museum of Useless Efforts, Cristina Peri Rossi alt. Shipyard av Juan Carlos Onett
USA - Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides
Uzbekistan - The Railway, Hamid Ismailov
Vanuatu - Colonised People: Poems, Grace Mera Molisa
Vatikanstaten - Gone with the wind in the Vatican
Venezuela - Memories of Altagracia, Salvador Garmendia
Vietnam - Skogens salt, Huy Thiep Nguyen
Yemen - The Hostage, Zayd Mutee' Dammaj
Zambia - Quills of Desire, Binwell Sinyangwe
Zimbabwe - Pojken på andra sidan, Irene Sabatini alt. The House of Hunger, Dambudzo Marechera
Österrike - Gamla mästare, Thomas Bernhard
Östtimor - Krönika om en överfart, Luis Cardoso
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